About-seachangeseafoodsandgiftsAfter having browsed for hours to find good quality seafood recipes, the best restaurants, and any information related to seafood in Canada, a door-to-door salesman had an idea.

It bloomed into a website about seafood in Canada, where readers could find all this information and more without wasting so much time on the net.

He quickly saw the need for expansion and after some long conversations during seafood dinners, a team was put together to help him work on making the best website possible.

As they suggested additional content, services, and even better interfaces, the idea kept growing and morphing into a more tangible and precise concept.

Making sure everything is available on a single website required more than one hand in the matter, and keeping it working smoothly has only been possible after the creation of this team.

Nowadays,the company includes many of the people around our founder with knowledge of IT and websites, working under high-quality performance standards.

This teamwork shows in the continued input of new ideas into how the website works, enriching it with better and more accurate content by the day. Our friendly interface and simple layout have been a rather useful tool in drawing new readers, hence we keep improving constantly.

Our company is completely nonprofit but that does not subtract from our goal and the passion we have in achieving it. We will always continue to strive to bring all the relevant information our readers wish to access.

Make us the go-to page for any Canadian seafood enthusiasts and save them hours and hours of online research time.

Hundreds of Canadians have already started taking advantage of this website, validating the efforts of our founder along with his team. Our readers push us to keep moving forward in the direction we’ve taken and encourage us to put all our drive into the website we created together.

Finally, we wish to be an example for any entrepreneur out there with something to share, any ideas that sparked during a conversation.

We believe in making a difference in people’s lives not only through seafood-related content but also through our experiences.