SeaChange Ice Wine Glazed Smoked Salmon with Chèvre and Red Pepper Jelly

A guest post by Canadian food blogger Korena Vine.
January. A time for resolutions, moderation, and…ice wine. This month marks the 20th anniversary of the Niagara Ice Wine Festival, an annual event in Ontario’s wine country celebrating this specialty Canadian vintage. Ice wine is made from ripened grapes that have been left to freeze on the vines (possible thanks to Ontario’s warm summers and cold winters), resulting in an intensely flavoured, sweet dessert wine. Frozen grapes don’t yield much juice, so only a small amount of ice wine is made each year, making it a delicacy that Canada is known for worldwide.
Ice wine may be categorized as a dessert wine, but it also goes well with strongly flavoured savoury foods. SeaChange has taken advantage of this by pairing Canadian ice wine with Canadian smoked salmon. The sweet fruitiness of the ice wine brings out the rich smokiness of the salmon, making SeaChange Ice Wine Glazed Smoked Salmon about as deliciously Canadian as you can get. I like to serve SeaChange Ice Wine Glazed Smoked Salmon on sliced baguette with soft chèvre cheese and a dollop of red pepper jelly, the sweetness and acidity of which compliment the ice wine glaze beautifully. It’s the perfect canapé to go with ice wine if you have it, or another sweet white wine such as Reisling or Gewürtzraminer if you don’t. Either way, cheers!
SeaChange Ice Wine Glazed Smoked Salmon with Chèvre and Red Pepper Jelly
Makes 30 canapés
1 x 100 g package SeaChange Ice Wine Glazed Smoked Salmon
15 slices of fresh baguette, cut in half to make 30 pieces
1 small package (about 100 g) chèvre cream cheese
1 small jar red pepper jelly
Spread each piece of baguette with chèvre cream cheese and top with a small dab of red pepper jelly. Open SeaChange Ice Wine Glazed Smoked Salmon with scissors, slide salmon onto a plate, and discard juice. Break into 30 pieces and place one piece of salmon on each piece of bread. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for up to 4 hours before serving.
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