Celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary

Sesquicentennial – now there’s a word. Pronounced [ses-kwi-sen-‘ten-ee-uhl], it means 150th anniversary or celebration. And in two years’ time it’s going to be the word on everyone’s lips as Canada marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation.
2017 will be a huge celebratory year in Canada – Have you started thinking ahead yet? Do you have a ‘Sesquicentennial project’? Conversations about how best to celebrate have been going on for a while now – “where will you be?”, “what will you be doing?”. Very reminiscent of the Millennium countdown, or Canada’s centennial in 1967. In Spring 2013 there were conferences across Canada to ignite excitement and inspire ideas about what form the celebrations should take. Communities are being encouraged to keep the conversation, enthusiasm and energy alive. You can find out how you can contribute by visiting the 2017 Starts Now website and downloading a Conversation Kit to use in your community.
2017 will be here before you know it – so start thinking ahead now! And a Canadian celebration wouldn’t be the same without Smoked Sockeye Salmon at the centre of the table. Perfect for any party, big or small, don’t forget to add it to your sesquicentennial planning!